Enter Bytebeat expression:

Examples (Copy and paste)


This bytebeat interpreter is a simple reverse polish notation calculator.

A bytebeat program is composed from the following commands, which each modify a hidden stack of numbers.

The program is run once for each time step, and the top value on the stack after the program runs is used as the 8-bit sound value at that time.

t push the current sample number
number push the number
+ pop the top two numbers, add them, and push the result
* pop the top two numbers, multiply them, and push the result
- pop the top two numbers, subtract the second from the first, and push the result
/ pop the top two numbers, divide the first by the second, and push the quotient
% pop the top two numbers, divide the first by the second, and push the remainder
| pop the top two numbers, bitwise or them, and push the result
^ pop the top two numbers, bitwise xor them, and push the result
& pop the top two numbers, bitwise and them, and push the result
pop the top two numbers, left shift the first by the second, and push the result
pop the top two numbers, right shift the first by the second, and push the result

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